
Monday, October 05, 2020

Working the sidebar. Those using the phone view - without the sidebar - can get the gist of why my mail-back ballot will be for Biden. [UPDATED]

YouTube video embeded atop the sidebar:  Jimmy Kimmel interviews Bernie:

The timing of this item was soon after the debate, before the Covid 19 hospitalization of the present White House occupant, Trump. 


(Working with the new Blogger engine, embedding video, still learning.)

Hat tip to DWT for posting the video. If Bernie can accept how he got treated during the perpetration of the Biden-Dem inner party cramdown and say, "Vote Joe," he has to be listened to for his reasoning. He calls it "tactical" and necessary, while a long-term "strategic" view might be to stymie Biden even if it means four-more-years of Trump, because Biden could be two terms of warmed over Clintonian - Obama tepid GOP-lite fluff for the monied class. A vote for Joe is not an endorsement of Joe, or need not be so, as much as a vote against Trump where two-party politics has us in its straddle.


Sadness is wed to compromise, but enough. Check out some of the recent DWT posts. I am unclear about whether the site still has the above Kimmel-Bernie video posted, but what is there should interest most Crabgrass readers.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________

After seeing Bernie back Biden because of the threat of more Trump, and seeing the "Lincoln Project" on the Team Joe, we are long overdue for a THIRD PARTY to counter the owned bastards in DC and their hanger-on consultant leeches. This update is why there is one politician for whom my level of scorn equals that I hold toward Trump and toward Pence and toward Lindsey Graham. A story told in images and a video. Buy in or not, the vote will be for Biden and that obnoxious climber in his VP spot; but the resentment over being put into this corner is boiling over to where it has to be posted. Scorned, the owned man with the same donors as Biden and Schumer, who knifed progressivism's chances more effectively than any other perp:

This dog -


Yes there were the stalking-horse collective quitters just before and/or at the same time the dog struck, but Bernie never recovered momentum after this owned pet of wealthy donors did his deed.

Now, we have what, with Biden near certain to remove Trump from the White House replacing him with - WHAT LESSER EVIL, WHICH IS STILL A GREAT EVIL? 

The video - 

Rampant repugnant fascism does not have to only have Trump's face to it. There is Joe and Kamala, as fascist as the Federal Reserve's board; the World Bank; the Clintons. Watch that video. You will see how it did in progress for the next four to eight years; where generations will suffer yet more indignity. 

From DWT, an image of what the two party system AND the love of money in 2016 and then again in 2020 is doing to an otherwise nice and comfortable NATION -


2016, 2020, and into perpetuity? 

Do read that DWT link, it links here, (with quoting), and presents diverse thoughts tied into one post (while being the place the above video was highlighted, and then seen as a video deserving reposting).

All we can do at this point is to hope Biden grows into the job. Against all reason and expectation, we can hope that way anyway. It is all we have.