
Saturday, October 17, 2020

*nothing will fundamentally change* -- Do you understand the full meaning - NOTHING? Okay, then listen to the man's bullshitting. He don't CHANGE, so nothing will CHANGE. Fundamentally or otherwise . . .

 UPDATE: Bankers/owners/savants: Davos, 1, 2 and 3. A new phrase, "Law and New World Order." Like it? Love it? Trump seized, "Law and Order" while Biden fits but studiously avoids mention these days of the new phrase or anything near it. Just being the non-Trump. Getting there. Another new phrase, "Two Party Fascism." Ask Kasich or the Clintons about that. Kapital uber Alles.

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________

This is viewed at Crabgrass as an important post. The spirit seeming to be widespread is that Biden replaces Trump, per November and earlier voting, and that an orderly transition happens in January, perhaps with a Biden to Trump "move on" committment much as Obama ignored Bush era torture abuses.

Biden's will be a Law and New World Order term. Expecting a single term, then Harris and a primary challenger who's a progressive, Harris winning the primary,  somebody besides Pence on the Republican side, Cruz perhaps. The mood of people after four years of Biden is difficult to forecast, even for six years from now so that mid-term election changes and 2024 outcomes, both open to pure guessing. But by November vote counting, expect enough of a blue wave to hold the House by an increased margin, and to perhaps tip the Senate. 

Biden and both houses? There was Obama and both houses, and they served warmed over Heritage Foundation Romneycare; so expect little. Hope for a surprise. Mediocrity over decades generally can be bet on to remain mediocre today, tomorrow. Ditto, ambition. Lincoln Project will be like a cancer, similar to PATRIOT Tea Party dreck, but from the muddled middle outward to worsen the Democratic Party and the hubris of its legacy human impediments.

Trust a promise given to others than US. Do not expect fundamental change.