
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Angie Craig in MN2 is being opposed by inept Republican con artists (but I repeat myself).

 Two Strib links. One an AP feed, the other local content. An MJ booster party candidate croaked before election day. The Republican candidate challenging the Craig incumbancy wanted an election delay on that basis, and lost the challenge. It turns out, per the second Strib local content link, that the Republicans instigated the MJ booster's candidacy and fronted some money for him in hopes of siphoning off Craig votes. Reprehensible? Or worse? You decide. Minnesota Republicans being Republicans never fails to amaze and cause loathing. (Amazement and loathing, not fear and loathing. You cannot fear anything that inept in practices and that corrupt in motivation. But you can loath loathe.)

- that last sentence - fixed spelling as an update -