
Thursday, October 08, 2020

An AP item catches mixing of metaphors: "'I think a lot of Republicans are worried that this is a jailbreak moment, and people who have been sitting on the fence looking for a rationale to stick with the president are instead abandoning the ship,' said Rory Cooper, a Republican strategist and frequent Trump critic." Someone should tell Rory, it is wrong to mix metaphors when quitting on a manure pile [metaphor 4]

The Four Metaphors (of the Apocalypse) being jailbreak, fence straddling, rats abandoning ship, and manure pile. The manure pile is Donald J. Trump. The AP item, as carried Oct 7  by Strib, is titled, "Republicans see 'grim' Senate map and edge away from Trump." The Crabgrass headline's quote is from mid-item.

With Schumer's DSCC pick of Republican-lite candidates to favor and fund (who are calling themselves Democrats), it becomes -

So what?

Schumer and McConnell are an inch apart. Owned by identical donor factions. Fighting only over who gets to be called "Boss" and who has to be "Wannabe Boss For Now."


Let's fucking vote. Then watch the corporatist choice-hating Notre Dame woman get her vote-in from the lame ducks before Biden's January acceptance extravaganza. 

Bless Washington, DC for being full of crooks, liars and shysters.

Anybody yet for a third party? When ya gonna wake up?


Being very tired of the entire shit show, that is all for today.