
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Hat tip to Dan Burns for posting of this apparently new entity/effort.

 [Dan's Annex post, this link]

 The above is the logo of the website

It is an organized effort, many participants and supporters listed in the top banner "about us" pull-down menu options; the website's about us page, itself, explaining intent. From the about page:

Our Mission

The Mission of Twin Cities Nonviolent is to: reduce violence in all its forms; increase awareness and engagement in nonviolent policies and practices; bring together local community organizations, including nonprofits, religious institutions, educational institutions, and government agencies; and dismantle the structures and systems that lead to violence throughout the Twin Cities and beyond.

We envision a Twin Cities community that is free from violence.

“Our intention is to reduce suffering in the world by challenging the unjust and oppressive social structures and by promoting peace with justice, equality and dignity for all.”

–  Fr. Harry J Bury, creator of Twin Cities Nonviolent

With all the names of individuals and organizations posted as sponsors or other affiliates, I had to check. 

Bob Kroll is not yet involved. 

Those who are should actually try an outreach to Kroll. See if the heavy badge has enough weight to avoid taking a dare. Or, if Kroll has a degree of openness of mind it might be interesting to have Kroll study the effort.

The one name that stood out to me, a former Dem candidate I supported:

Partner - Jack Nelson Pallmeyer (his Wikipedia link) 

The wiki link explains why I favored Pallmeyer's 2008 Senate run over Franken, who also sought the seat:

In his book Brave New World Order (first published 1992, reissued 2017), Nelson-Pallmeyer provides a definition of "national security state".[a] He describes seven defining characteristics, starting with the military exerting influence over economic and political affairs and progressing through maintaining an appearance of democracy while ultimate power rests with the national security establishment; concentration of capital by elites; obsession with enemies; and restricting and distorting information, among others. He summarizes how this found expression in El Salvador and discusses "similar dynamics" within the United States.[5]

"Similar dynamics" being real, loathsome and fearsome. Pallmeyer has written a lot. As a pacifist he has much to say which is being ignored by the DC crowds.