
Thursday, September 03, 2020

America the Beautiful. Portly Republicans visit Kenosha. The term empty suits hardly applies. Rather, Truman's favorite term, stuffed shirts. fits the evidence..

The images are from Strib reporting. 

You can do the websearch, Trump Barr Kenosha [images] 

Returned images of the two, Trump and Barr,  deplaning and out politicking suggest that Biden and Harris each are trim and in better condition.

That is: Besides Biden and Harris being more decent humans. Besides not being the threat to Democracy that fascism poses. Besides being ahead in the polls. Besides many, many other things. 

You'd think a pair of white supremacists would care to look a bit more - supreme

Fine expensive suits, yes - full of Portly aged overfed Republicans. The slang expression "fat cats" unavoidably applies.