
Monday, September 21, 2020

A prior post noting Sirota's suggestion that Schumer needs the thumbscrews put on to make him REALLY oppose a Trump insult to Ginsberg's memory.

 The prior post, here, with it appearing that Trump will insult Ginsberg's memory with Amy Coney Barrett much as John Danforth working with Biden et al. insulted Thurgood Marshall's memory with Clarence Thomas.

Two follow-up posts by Sirota, in temporal order, first his linking here and then his posting here. The earlier Sirota idea was Schumer needs to be challenged with a primary contest when his seat's up again and then this second follow-up is titled,

AOC to Schumer: “We Must Use Every Tool At Our Disposal”

As Trump tries to install a Supreme Court justice, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Democratic lawmakers must use all their power to prevent that from happening. 

It's early to pop the popcorn since primary time for Schumer is years away; but who better to primary and remove this pompous arrogant impediment to progress?

The House does not review and approve Court nominations, so it is AOC not having any hammer except to be telling Schumer, simply put, to not fuck around.