
Sunday, August 23, 2020

There is a Senate election in Massachusetts. Send the incumbent money. Anti-dynastic contributions can aid the aim for good government.

Using DWT content instead of writing anew:

 After Pelosi's endorsement of Joe Kennedy III infuriated progressives-- not as much because of the pick as because of Pelosi's disgusting hyocrisy-- AOC sent her followers a fundraising letter from her own campaign but for for Markey, a staffer explaining the double standard:

Last year, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee instituted a new blacklist-- targeting staffers and companies who worked for primary challengers. Unsurprisingly, that overwhelmingly targeted people who worked with progressives.

Now, it’s clear: That blacklist was never just meant to "protect incumbents." It was meant to block progressive leaders from being elected, like Ayanna Pressley, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, or even Alexandria in 2018.

...Markey is not taking the safe route. He’s causing good trouble in Washington, fighting for international peace, a Green New Deal, and dismantling ICE. These are hard fights to win. Many look at them and back down. But not Ed Markey.

Markey is listening to the next generation of leaders-- the young folks on the ground working day in and day out to change the world-- and does everything in his power to amplify their voices on Capitol Hill. If Washington had more leaders like Ed Markey, we’d be a lot better off.

Scary that Pelosi is no longer self-aware enough to understand that her endorsement really is a kiss of death in most places in the country-- even in as blue a state as Massachusetts. Isn't she supposed to be retiring now and passing along her seat to her daughter? You know, the dynasty thing-- like the Kennedys.

 More background, this fairly short video:


Add your Markey support - money needed:

If you want more, to see how the Kennedy insurgency poses, this video.

The old guy this go-round IS the progressive. Help him, please. If uncertain, watch that last linked video.



WaPo, interesting wording:

Pelosi said that Markey’s campaign had crossed a hallowed line by running a negative campaign against the Kennedy dynasty.

“I wasn’t too happy with some of the assault that I saw made on the Kennedy family,” she told The Post’s opinion columnist Karen Tumulty, “and I thought, Joe didn’t ask me to endorse him, but I felt an imperative to do so.”

In an official statement, Pelosi, 80, signaled that it was time for a new crop of leaders who would represent “this party’s future,” a shot at Markey, 74, who has been in Congress for 44 years.

[italics added] How crass. If Pelosi really felt newer younger blood mattered, then she and Steney should step aside. She should have told Kennedy in 2018 when he was a money machine for her chair opportunity to stay in the House and she'd hand the gavel to him, if sincere about a need for the newbies to flex.