
Thursday, August 20, 2020

The USPIS is the United States Postal Inspection Service, part of federal law enforcement which some might say, "Part of the Deep State." Some might even question timing of a reported recent helping hand from the USPIS, to prosecutors.

USPIS websearch.  Why care? One possible motive is to test "goes around, comes around." In suitable British tabloid style, Daily Mail, in part, still in teaser mode:

Having read that - Now the question shifts, who is Brian Kolfage, and who cares?

Might people in high places have concerns, pro or con? Kolfage is mentioned here:

Two breadcrumbs is enough, so without further ado, the DailyMail story headline and bullet points:

 Donald Trump's former aide Steven Bannon is arrested and INDICTED over 'ripping off $25 million crowd-funded border wall to pay for his and co-founders' lavish lifestyles' - and president says it's 'SAD' and he knows 'nothing' about 'showboating' scheme

  -  Steve Bannon, once Donald Trump's most trusted aide, is arrested on a 150-foot yacht off the Connecticut coast and is due in court accused of being part of massive fraud scheme
 -   He is alleged to have ripped off the We Build The Wall scheme which planned to build a crowd-sourced border wall
 -   They raised money claiming the idea was 'Trump approved' and took in $20 million on GoFundMe before being kicked off the platform, then $5m more
 -   'Non-profit' told hundreds of thousands of donors the people behind it were volunteers but secretly were being paid, feds say
 -   Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York say he helped run scheme which funneled donations to its co-founders
 -   Some of the cash has built sections of wall - and Donald Trump Jr. visited one of them in show of support
 -   Bannon received $1 million and kept hundreds of thousands for his personal expenses
 -   Massive amounts of cash went to Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee co-founder who prosecutors say spent it on his lavish lifestyle
 -    Kolfage used the money he received on home renovations, boat payments, an SUV, a golf cart, jewelry, cosmetic surgery, tax and credit card debt
-    His wife Ashley received cash too and posted on instagram about their lifestyle

 This is more detail than found earlier about Bannon's arrest, and expect more to leak out. NYTimes and Bezos' outlet likely are holding back to not distract from an ongoing dog/pony show of the week (Diogenes not in attendance). 

Expect more details to leak out, but Postal Service rank and file investigative kudo notice at a time when vote by mail is at issue and House testimony is sought, seems an odd coincidence.

Not to appear partisan, DailyMail also has this online.

Them Brits. How they choose news.