
Friday, August 28, 2020

Team Tina sent an email to my inbox.

It reads:


 This past week I have been traveling all around Minnesota. I talked with Minnesotans about issues important to communities throughout the state, as well as how folks are dealing with the pandemic. The stories people share are so important to me, and I carry them with me throughout my work. 

 One thing that never fails to amaze me is how resilient Minnesotans are. Even in crisis, our communities have found ways to help each other and come together. That spirit is what makes me so proud to represent this state. 

 But, our race was just moved from “Lean Democrat” to “Toss-up.” We need your help to make sure I get re-elected this November and that Democrats take back the Senate and the White House. 

 Thanks so much for your ongoing support. It means the world to me. 



 Running against Jason Talk Radio, and "toss up?" Biden-Harris can hurt down ticket. Tina's chum Amy helped knife Bernie. This Biden-Harris cramdown has me thinking, don't vote, top ticket, down ticket. Still thinking it out. It would have been better if Dayton had appointed a progressive to the me-tooed seat. But no. Gee.

Bernie would have strengthened down ticket. He would have easily won 2020. As he would have, 2016. Party moguls had their way. With hell to pay. But they only care about the big-money donors who are still there for them. Bless the big money donors. They invest, they prosper. To use Tina's word, the big money is "resilient."