
Saturday, August 22, 2020

Spending on war mongering is pissing money down the same-old Pentagon rathole. I can watch MSNBC propaganda, leading off with one of Lincoln Project's sound-bite propaganda mudslings, and then watch Jimmy Dore, and agree with Jimmy Dore. From online reporting seen here, war mongering seemed a Biden-DNC convention theme; and war mongering is counterproductive to our citizens getting help in hard times - i.e., fat Pentagon money-sink waste deprives civilian better use if given a fixed budget total.

The Biden-DNC convention had Kasich, a GOP budget hawk of the Newt Gingrich Bubba Clinton Austerity days, as a featured Dem Party speaker endorsing Biden. The last thing we need is Austerity (or hints of it) imposed upon Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, and other civilian assistance programs when a pandemic and inept Jarad/Trump federal reaction to it caused massive job loss and consequent health coverage loss, as well as effort wasted via dead end chasing of treatment ghosts. So -

More posting by embedded video (hopefully posts are working for readers). The below MSNBC (anti-Trump outlet) item begins with a Lincoln Project hit piece, and piles on more. 

Jimmy Dore gives us an alternative view of today's choices per  an honestly reviewed status quo.


Jimmy Dore.

 The entire bit about Russian bounties for dead U.S. soldiers came across from day one as being as phony as a three-dollar bill. A credible allegation reported is that the whole story was planted by Afghan intelligence agents to frustrate a U.S. troop pull-out Trump was planning. 

Readers can believe whatever, but, really . . . THINK. Use a "sniff" test.

UPDATE: Put in simplest terms, if Biden's people and backers intend a war with Iran, I will gladly embrace four more Trump years as a more sane alternative, (although Trump could do the same but has the history of not instigating an Iran War in the four years he's had.) Sabre rattling is not helping ol' Joe's belief he can steal earlier Trump middle-road voting veterans to where he's enough votes to be happy dumping a load on progressives, as he has done and is doing. (Not even Medical for All, despite the humongous popularity of that policy with the 99% not profiting indecently from entrenched rapacious norms of insurance, big Pharma, and hospital bean counters.)