
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Is this convincing from a Republican blogger embedding FOX content?

 Here is the clip, with surrounding "context" - 

Yesterday on The Five, Dagen McDowell broke out the whipping stick to paddle Ms. Pelosi’s butt. Dagen said “President Trump really found a sweet spot for what the economy and the American people need right now. They do need extra money. People who can’t go back to work need extra money in unemployment benefits. The $600 went away. Many argued that was too generous. It was an incentive to stay home. They were getting more on unemployment than they would be if they were back on the job. … The President has the Democrats in a vice-grip. Either the Democrats have to give in to what Republicans want or they’re gonna fight the President on giving people money, people who need that money. I’ve been a financial journalist for about a quarter of a century and, in technical terms, what we witnessed over the weekend were some folks getting their asses handed to them.”

That’s exactly right. This hasn’t been a great year for Nancy Pelosi. She tried pushing Mitch McConnell around on rules for the sham impeachment trial. McConnell told her that he didn’t care if she didn’t send the articles of impeachment over. He didn’t want them anyway. After COVID hit, Pelosi delayed the passage of the CARES Act while negotiating for Democrat Wish List items. She’s done that now 3 times. Each time, President Trump got the better of the negotiations. Now, she’s back for another attempt.

Pelosi keeps getting her arse handed to her because she’s constantly trying to throw extra wish list junk into these relief bills that has nothing to do with providing relief to people.

 The new Blogger engine appears to allow copying video embedding code from one site to another, as tried above. The hope at Crabgrass is that the embed cutover works for readers. Whether any reader is convinced by the FOX embed is a different thing. Being unfamiliar with the programming my first thought was the one middle guy in the talking heads grouping was Kayne West. Not so, apparently. No link will be provided for where the quoted content originated - view it on its merits and not with any source-related pro or con bias.