
Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Finding something positive to say about Trump is easier for some than others. That said, at this site, this post notes he must have listened to somebody with better sense than Bill Barr or Chad Wolf or Stephen Miller. [UPDATED]

This was the leading image - photo opville pro publica - at and now, finally, the image has been changed to something substantially less tacky.

The prior photo opville disaster was tackier, but less costly to taxpayers than the stunt of going to Rushmore on July 4, at taxpayer expense, to show idle grandstanding.

Moreover, it is hard to say which cost taxpayers more, the gassing and personnel costs of the bible stunt, with its event precursor of sending a goon squad to beat and gas peaceful protesters, or going to Rushmore with a military band and Blue Angels flyover performance. Probably the latter. And he did show the marginal good sense to not leave the bible fiasco image atop for weeks on end.

Somebody mopped up the droppings, see current

Somebody edits that site too.

Given the opportunity in checking the link, the search box beckoned, so I entered a single word: hoax

It got one on-site hit, a 2017 speech. Only that. Not a thing about this.

Truth matters. That man, the entertainer-preformer Donald J. Trump, playing at being presidential, IS a hoax. The Democratic Party's inner party shoveling out Biden and packing primaries: A hoax. Sad times. But the aim at best has to be, oust Trump and endure a single Biden term, if he lasts that long. Swallow and gag over his VP choice, unless he and handlers give us a surprise, but oust Trump, and then endure.