
Monday, July 13, 2020

The Occupy movement was about the rest of us being screwed by the oligarchs. The George Floyd protests were about a segment of US being screwed worse by the oligarchs than what was done to others.

One contention was snuffed mercilessly, the other recognizing racism as a real problem.

The glide and slide in all that is an entrenched propaganda effort to divert attention from the big truth to a sub-truth. From the essence of the problem to extra plight in a sub-problem.

Figure out what's being manipulated in all that, and pulling down statues is a "so what" very minor dimension of the ongoing oppression by the oligarchs against the people. Against US.

Diversion of attention, the "nothing to see here" ploy, hinges upon a gullibility among too many of the oppressed and overburdened to see only their burden, with oligarch propaganda outlets all to happy to feed such tunnel vision.

Identity politics IS tunnel vision, and it is being fed and whipped into frenzy mode, to distract from more fruitful avenues of reform.

Eyes on the prize. King fought racism and had allies. He moved on to generic class oppression and was assassinated. Figure that out. Malcolm, after the haj experience expanded beyond the "White man is the devil" message, and was assassinated. Regardless of whoever pulled triggers, those engineering the deaths are the true criminals in the stories. Do you believe the official versions of much of any mischief, written after the fact, offering lame shadows of truth and releasing clearly incomplete or false information and then grounding a story on a partial set of real facts, with mixed in falsehood. Twin towers dropped dead square into their footprints, and a third tower downed, also into its footprint, hours later with no claim of airplane involvement. Might there just be more to the story? Lone gunmen? Then bandy the term "conspiracy theory" as a pejorative against doubt, and not as a sane range and dimension of speculation where "official" conclusions border on or reach presumptuousness. Never mind "voter fraud" as REPUBLICANS sing repeatedly, or "Russian interference" as popular with the Clintons' choir. Do you ever know who won or lost an election when you did not count the votes?

Who had King killed? The Kennedys? Malcolm? What is the nature and extent of any "swamp" to be drained? If ignoring such foundational questions, glib stories are not in short supply.