
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Strib carrying an AP feed: "Biden: After intel briefings, warns of election interference By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press July 17, 2020 — 10:30pm." That story should be fleshed out in detail.

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden said Friday night that he's begun receiving intelligence briefings as he warned that Russia, China and other adversaries were attempting to undermine the upcoming U.S. election in November.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee wasn't specific and offered no evidence while addressing a virtual fundraiser with more than 200 attendees. But, in the process, he confirmed receiving classified briefings after saying as recently as late last month that he wasn't getting them but might request one about reports of Russian bounties being offered on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

"We know from before, and I guarantee you I know now because now I get briefings again. The Russians are still engaged, trying to de-legitimize our electoral process. Fact," Biden said Friday. "China and others are engaged as well in activities designed for us to lose confidence in the outcome."

The White House and National Security Council didn't immediately respond to requests for comment on Biden's statement. Reached by phone, a Biden spokesperson did not immediately provide further details.
If foreign interference is truly a burden to U.S. democracy, as implied, name the others. Why not? Some blowback? If a nation small enough with obvious financial ties that can be brought forward in quelling the "others" motivation and dedication, it should be done. Today, not later. I.e., step on their throats long enough and hard enough to get them to back off.

A few links:

Salon:  Expect three authoritarian regimes — Israel, Russia and Saudi Arabia — to get Trump reelected in 202 [sic]  Where’s the outrage over Netanyahu trying to interfere in the US election?  Does Israel Interfere in American Elections? Ask Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib  Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016 campaign

politico:  ‘Netanyahu is essentially an Israeli Republican’

usatoday: Trump, Netanyahu relationship erodes core values of U.S.-Israeli bond: Today's talker The Trump-Netanyahu Alliance Is Endangering Americans and Israelis

You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

The Israelis get $3.4 billion per year of U.S. taxpayer money, and if that is not leverage to make them better world citizens, then have we other leverage? And backstep, why give them money at all that could be spent making citizens' lives better here?

It is our election. Not theirs. If Russians are a worry, Bibi and crowd are a bigger one, based on effectiveness if nothing else.

Even Trump supporters should acknowledge that any foreign attempt to influence of fix the U.S. presidential elections is wrong and should be quelled.

UPDATE: Link. Biden wants an explicit position known.