
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Some readers may care: To switch between desktop view of a blogger site, and mobile view, there is a simple toggle.

As an example, this blog by default, with nothing on the URL entry beyond site address:

To switch from default desktop view to mobile view, amend that to

From there, as some may already expect, quick toggling back to desktop view

For this blog, desktop view has the sidebar, which some may find interesting, while others may find the sidebar a distraction. With a narrow mobile window, main content (daily posting) only is displayed.

During the updating of this blog's template/theme the toggle allowed previewing both views, which is helpful without having to use two actual devices.

Loading a desktop browser tab to display one or the other of the toggles will show the difference.

Once mobile view is toggled on a desktop, opening a subpage keeps the formatting, e.g.,

Also, once toggling to mobile view, and selecting an image in any particular post via a right-click choice from the context menu, or viewing an image in another tab, the display may differ - same size as displayed in mobile view, full size in desktop view.

For a site not including extensive image use nor extensive sidebar use, the difference in view is minimal, e.g., Dan Burns' blog - in mobile view:

There, the post preview listings differ from the desktop view presenting full posts showing in sequence. Identically, preview listing occurs with Crabgrass, in mobile view.

Last, a sidebar entry as a reminder of the toggle has been published as a reminder to readers for after this post has scrolled into past-content oblivion.

A particular hope is that readers who also blog, while unaware of this easy toggle may find learning the info to be helpful.

Hat tip to Martin Brinkmann's - this link - for the info.