
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Race and Policing - The good guys at the federal level want to end qualified immunity.

What it is, how it works, and who is sponsoring reform in both Houses are neither secrets, nor difficult to understand. Instead of an excerpt, this Boston Herald link. Who, besides bad cops, can oppose giving victims relief? Republicans? The Republican wing of the Democratic Party?

If the effort reaches a roadblock, knowing who imposes the block may help voters in November.

Noteworthy; while the present mood among a majority of US remains awake to the question of badges being less than a license to maim or kill; protests based upon economic unfairness and oppression would also be helped by the measure, as well as black protesters or their allies in protesting.

Think, "Occupy," and the cruelty with which that effort was bludgeoned down across the nation. Where the victims could not sue the perps. It was gross, and such a reasonable aim as a war on injustice should be encouraged instead of being beaten into withdrawal.

Broken systems need fixing, and Republicans (real, or their surrogates in the other party) ought to be on board with proposals of sensible reform of policing in our nation.