
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

MarketWatch: Opinion: Liberals aren’t giving Joe Biden credit for a radical tax plan that goes after the indolent rich --- Published: July 6, 2020 at 8:03 a.m. ET By Nick Buffie

Link. Yes, only words and words are cheap. However, you get these words from Biden. No such words have ever, nor will ever, come from Trump/Pence. The old saying, "Actions speak louder than words," we'd all die of old age waiting for any Trump family member to act toward the goals Biden's advanced, they've been in control and those policies would cut against the family's greed and interests, so go figure.

Even if Biden gives a lukewarm try and fails, he's not Trump. And if in his latter years he has his heart into what he proposes; the benefit of that would be stupendous.

You have to trust one or the other, and I never trusted a thing about "reality" TV.

UPDATE: About a link alone, here at Crabgrass, with no follow-up quote or reposting of original item links: The report itself is ably sourced based upon linked material. Go to it and follow whatever linking rings your bell.

Other interesting MarketWatch content: children and house plants, here. Mary Trump free to go on a book-signing tour, here.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
In terms of that tax plan, and whether it is more than blowing smoke the easy way, DWT has a discouraging post, but one saying go into the voting booth, or mail a ballot, but do not expect much beyond warmed over garbage, with Joe. Be surprised if it turns out better, but the donors up front were told by Biden, "Nothing Will Fundamentally Change"  - and they are seasoned investors buying with confidence in having gotten that Joey promise up front.

Being surprised if better than that, great. But expect that.

The phenom of "Never Trump" stuff from Trump advisor Conway's spouse does not augur well. It is as if "bipartisan" Joe has promised to actually dance to Paul Ryan's tune if he gets GOP love; and the donor class has the GOP owned aside from the tolerated Tea Party types. The GOP presence in setting policy as prepared by it is beyond doubt via considering the GOP advertisements that DWT embeds in its post. It is VERY depressing. Karen Bass is a beam of light among the darkness if tagged as Joe's VP, but Val Demings or Sen. Harris will more likely be the affirmation that the Republicans following the donor class toward Biden will get what they and the donors want. As was the outcome with Obama.

Telling the story, from that DWT post, this image. As already posted here at Crabgrass, I endorse Biden as lesser evil, but I will no longer vote for evil. I will sit this one out. A VP choice better than Demings or Harris will be an encouragement, but you vote for the top of a ticket, not for second fiddle.

It is a stinker of a two-party Big Donor run pairing. But so was 2016. Where we probably got the lesser evil.

The hand of Clyburn in the South Carolina and other southern primary voting is resented. Bernie offered so much more. On the surface you would not see Bloomberg and Clyburn as opposite sides of the same coin. But that is how it is and was, during the primaries.

Here is a thought experiment running 2016 and 2020 together. Who's the lesser evil among the Clintons, Biden and Trump? Sad as the situation is, Biden probably is the lesser evil.