
Monday, July 20, 2020

In good measure it's about having competent leadership

Two recent web stories - only a few months old:

New Yorker:  What African Nations Are Teaching the West About Fighting the Coronavirus

LA Times:  ‘A mess in America’: Why Asia now looks safer than the U.S. in the coronavirus crisis

A websearch. Somebody farted out an insult a while ago, about "shithole countries."

The lesson? Avoid letting bozos get their hands on the levers of power. Another lesson, you can gigantically bungle responsibility but then you cannot escape accountability. Try as Trump might . . . he is responsible so hold him accountable.

Responsible for bungling coronavirus response, responsible for that ultra-sick bible waving act, and responsible for putting storm troopers into Portland, OR. Indeed, responsible for wanting storm trooper response to the people of the nation expressing dissent. Absolute irresponsibility needs a November fix.