
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Gary Gross in his latest current post at his blog out of St. Cloud, MN, posts a fine and dandy stand-up-and-salute fluff quote, but . . .

. . . he does not post about Portland! Not one single word.  What he does post . . .

Newt Gingrich, the amphibian, blowing smoke, stringing words, bloviating as quoted here, from the quote, there:

Our national anthem says we are “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Our Founding Fathers risked their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to defend freedom. The Civil War generation lost 630,000 Americans fighting for the Union and to end slavery. The Greatest Generation went across the planet risking its lives to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. By the way, through all these events, Congress met in person.

    Now, we are told that our members of the House are too precious to risk their lives by coming to Washington.

    To these members I would say: If freedom isn’t worth the risk, quit the Congress. Someone with more courage will replace you in a special election. The emotion driving the proposal for remote voting is an expression of a kind of cowardice I would never have expected to see in America.
The amphibian - waving the flag, surprisingly not quoting Scripture, all as a prelude to shitting on safe and sane House voting during a pandemic. Likely too a vote by mail hater. Hell can be insinuated into Portland where it never was wanted nor needed, just because a puffball got elected president, and federal thugs who you have to wonder about will go out and Nazi the community for their paychecks. Fine with Newt. He does not want sane voting. By our Representatives. By us. That's his shtick. Get in the way, because you're Newt.

If that _________ [fill in the blank] Gingrich actually believed one word of that flag wave prelude to mischief, he'd be denouncing snatch and grab of citizens in Portland to where if white supremacists in St. Cloud, MN, were to begin snatching folks off the street, bloggers perhaps, into dark SUVs spiriting them away to wherever, bystander witnesses would say, "Oh, that's just Trump again."

Newt is a studied hypocrite, but you don't have to make yourself one by quoting.

Newt and Trump are twin sons of different - - - mothers. Talking puffballs, i.e., hollow talking yard funguses full of nothing besides millions of grey fungus spores.

And then there is Barr. And then there is Pence. November beckons.