
Monday, June 01, 2020

Yes, truth can filter through, or rephrased, I agree with what you say but not with how you say it.

Guardian did a photo collage slide-show in its reporting, here. One image in the sequence caught my attention:

click image to enlarge

From the trees and buildings, it could be the Stanford campus.

In honor of the young lady's sensibility and ability, I did this websearch.

Trump's bone of contention with ANTIFA rests on his being strongly of the "FA" inclination.

Trained in McCarthyism by McCarthy's henchperson, Roy Cohn. Roy scapegoated communists, Roy tutored Trump, and dad Fred had a role in things a time ago with Roy and Donald as a troika.

History does teach.

I wonder if the woman in the photo of socially distanced white protesters safely located is or was in a sorority. Her major? Her prep school? Her ambitions?

Her message? After acknowledging its truth, I wonder how far Mike Bloomberg would go in agreement. The suspicion is Bloomberg would agree with the situational chance to dis ANTIFA. Beyond that, what? Critical of stern police practices? Mikey? Don't hold your breath waiting for Mike B. to ever speak out against heavy badges. WILL NOT HAPPEN.