
Monday, June 01, 2020

The one poor bastard. They left him standing, no place to kneel. Too bad George Floyd was not a foot taller.

And they never let him have a turn. Which police academy trained them to not let the fourth guy have his turn. Training in selfishness? Or like musical chairs?

Do the chest cams have audio? These are four really, really sick people. What discussion occured? Put another way, Kroll has got to go.

HYPOTHETICAL: If you were on your stomach, hands behind your back, and they put six hundred pounds of composted steer manure on your chest, legs, neck, and butt, could you breathe?

Having cam footage from that side it looks worse although you cannot see the facial expressions. The cam footage where the neck kneeler's face appeared contorted with rage, hate, something told that part of the story.

There is no place in any civilized society for these sicko assholes. They've got the Kroll disease. Would you want your brother handled that way by purported civil servants? Your father? Your spouse? Your child? Your worse enemy?

Bob Kroll, publicly termed by his former Chief "a disgrace to the badge" has no shame. City Pages: "Bob Kroll plans to 'fight for jobs' of cops who killed George Floyd; June 1, 2020". The four in that above photo. He believes they should have their jobs back. To continue policing as they have. That is so gross you want be believe the story was made up, that nobody could be so Kroll-sick. Who'd ever even want to be associated with the likes of Kroll? Only a real sicko.