
Friday, June 26, 2020

Occupy Lives Matter

Just for perspective, maintream media have been more syncophantic toward BLM than the Occupy effort, even with both bringing a focus upon extreme police brutality, and with each being an outcry of the oppressed. The power system, Joe's status quo, shit on both and used obscene force against each.

Keep a proper persepctive of who needs to ally with whom, to gain common objectives, with each bloc helping the other on separate but just objectives.

Simply put, know your friends, help your friends.

Pres Don and wannabe Joe - neither is your friend. Ask how it came that Joe and not Bernie got Clyburn's annointment, and then look at who Clyburn backed in the Engel ouster.

That, or stay oppressed when ostensibly voting matters. It matters little when the question is which is the bigger pile, the Clinton-Trump juxtaposition, and of all things, the Biden-Trump pile offering.

Don't they look the same?

Can you spot a pattern? Are you dumb as a brick, or pissed and wondering how long one seat in Congress at a time will take to get way, way, way overdue JUSTICE? Billionaire bastards do not want JUSTICE. Bloomberg spent half a billion against JUSTICE. And Obama in choosing slogans (which he then over eight years at the helm failed to deliver on) did the HOPE and CHANGE sloganeering bit, but Obama never added JUSTICE.

A curious fact, yes/no?