
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Deep State Blues.

US is being run by them. They do not really care about US, because each party has THE SAME CONSTITUENCY.

Guardian reports:

Barack Obama made his first campaign appearance alongside Joe Biden since endorsing him for president in April, helping raise more than $11m while warning Democrats against being “complacent or smug” about the presidential race.

The virtual fundraiser collected $7.6m from 175,000 grassroots contributors, according to the Biden campaign. The pair also hosted a private online portion for high-dollar donors, which was not open to reporters, and brought in more than $3.4m.

[...] The Trump campaign has so far been ahead in overall fundraising, with $265m in cash at the end of May. Trump’s Dallas fundraiser earlier this month raised north of $10m for the campaign, Republican National Committee and the Trump Victory Fund. Biden and the Democrats had a combined $122m, Reuters reported, though the former vice-president’s fundraising efforts appear to have picked up in recent weeks.

Two centrists, the Romneycare Pair, big fucking deal. Neither of them, certainly not the other stranglehold party either, excites HOPE for any actual CHANGE. Same old bullshit where eight years went by under slogans while bailing out Wall Street, and that pair produced no CHANGE and quelled much HOPE in the process. And then there is Trump/Pence. Are YOU happy? Are you enthusiastic? If so, why?

After eight sub-par years from that pair I would give neither fifty cents, of your money. That bad! Still so! Two mediocre career politicians, one black, who stiffed the 99% with no Wall Street criminal - not even as a token step - put into jail, not one, over that time. Bending to insurance money, via Romneycare. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were a better song and dance team.

UPDATE: Think you've had enough? Want at least one piece of good news? There are early returns suggesting a black progressive can defeat a pro-Zionist entrenched mediocre New York centrist DCCC-loved politician; despite this. After Engel dumped his "anti-semite" load of BS on Ilhan Omar for speaking the truth about AIPAC, it appears Engel may be getting what he deserves. If voted out Engel at least will have an AIPAC safety net of Benjamins to cushion any fall. He can lobby. FURTHER: With mail-in ballots yet to be counted, Engel cannot be counted out yet - the strong Bowman showing being better, so far, than trailing in early returns. The Intercept. FOX.