
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Clyburn at least gets things right about Karen Bass.

Per a June 24, 2020, CBS item:

The five-term congresswoman represents Los Angeles and endorsed Biden for president in mid-March.

It is not immediately clear where Bass stands in the vetting process but her name has been floated for consideration by powerful Democrats like House Majority Whip James Clyburn. "Karen Bass would be a big plus…she is a great person in my mind, I work with her every day," Clyburn told CNN in June when asked about Biden's vetting process.

Clyburn specifically cited her previous leadership experience as speaker of the California Assembly, the first African-American woman to lead the chamber, as fitting preparation for the White House.

Her current leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus has taken on even greater importance, since she recently unveiled House Democrats' slate of police reforms in the wake of George Floyd's death and the nationwide protests for racial equality.

[...] From her perspective, Bass told [CBS interviewer Major] Garrett she "would certainly like to see" a woman of color chosen as Biden's running mate but added it was not "imperative."

Neither Bass' congressional office nor Biden's campaign immediately responded to a request for comment.

Before politics, Bass' career was in healthcare as a physician assistant, notable experience as the country continues to face the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the seriousness of the pandemic set in during late March, Bass joined Biden for a livestream event about the problems faced by medical workers on the front lines of the pandemic.

"I worked in the trauma center at the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, I remember working without protection and I remember the fear I had every day," Bass said on the livestream about her work in Los Angeles. "I know the commitment you have to save lives even if it means putting your own life at risk. The nation thanks you for your service."

BOTTOM LINE: Biden and his people could stumble into a sound VP choice, against the odds, but "could" is the proper word. Bass on the ticket would satisfy progressive hopes, and those hoping to see a woman of color as VP. Bass being a heartbeat away from chief executive would be more satisfying than a limited former top cop such as Florida's Val Demings, who punches the "of color" ticket criterion, but without anything resembling presidential capability, or experience that a VP should show.

UPDATE: Biden selecting Bass should meet approval of those favoring Warren as the VP choice. Bass surely appears to be the fit VP choice, among Californians in the running. Her sincerity and gravitas is not in doubt.