
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bowman vs. ossified Engle. [UPDATED]

Time to reform a district in New York. No matter what Clyburn says. Clyburn already has done enough damage. Links: here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Improve the nation, one congressional district, one senate seat at a time. From Politico [links omitted]:

Warren joins Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) in backing Bowman, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) all endorsed Engel in recent days.

"[Warren] knows it's not enough to keep electing Democrats that will only nibble around the edges, and it's why I am running to make big, structural change in New York's 16th District," Bowman wrote in a tweet.

Engel has served in the House since 1989 and is facing perhaps his toughest primary challenge in over 30 years. New York holds its primary on June 23.

Judge who wants to represent US, vs the darling among a sick Dem Party status quo. Fix things, or wish you had.

UPDATE: To donate:

FURTHER: DWT embedded this "rising" segment, Hill TV. Booker in Kentucky and Bowman in New York - DNC/DCCC/DSCC and the Congressional Black Caucus stand committed to diversity, in one sense ...

FURTHER: 6/22/2020 - With all huffing and puffing to minimize Trump's OK appearance, he attracted six thousand or so attendees, so how many could Joe Biden attract? Ten bankers and seven CEO types, a gaggle of "power" lawyers from DC and NYC, lobbyists and donors; say a thousand max? Bernie had crowds; Biden had party machinery; where Trump's OK showing was anything but encouraging to Biden people, regardless of who spins facts whichever way. Tomorrow's primary elections will matter. Who has GOTV chops, Dem side, being the question.

At a guess if the Engle primary challenge and the Amy McGrath challenger yield wins; Dem inner party will put a racial spin onto it "identity politics flexing muscle," and not a progressive-vs-regressive aura being mentioned in mainstream outlet coverage. It is not about hardship and suffering among all, will be said, but "clearly" an assertion consistent with BLM politics. Black awakening, not the poor finally having sense shown at ballot boxes. Who counts the votes, that is a question. Another question? Who successfully spins the results conventionally, or as finally some class awakening among several "identity" segments about the wealthy's long-standing mean and grinding class warfare against 99% of US, undivided.