
Sunday, June 28, 2020

A strange endorsement logic, a Biden endorsement without my vote. [UPDATED]

I have seen enough. An assault on public lands. An assault on public schools. Jarad. Correct on troop reductions, correct on China, wrong on goosing up the military budget which is sucking the nation dry, and worse thing, Bill Barr and Law and Order Bullshit reminiscent of Nixon. Who was a crook. Caught in intrigue. Having his Haig days.

I endorse Biden as the only choice the nasty and vicious two party system owned by money allows US, and without knowing what mistake Biden will make in his VP selection.

Biden is better than W, and Trump is worse than W, worse than the Clintons, where I voted with hope, once, for Bubba. Once. Took the second term election off, and did vote for Obama each time, but only the first time with HOPE.

So Bill Barr is what puts me over the straddle, to endorse Ukraine Joe. Status Quo Joe. Nothing will fundamentally change Joe. That thug Barr making a mockery of justice as he did during W years and is doing so with free rein now. With Trump sequentially trotting out Sessions and Whittaker as warm-up acts, for the total sleaze to follow.

Trump's gas the citizenry to do the bible stunt, as awful as it was to see, set the hook, and the re-erect Albert Pike crap was the cherry on top. Even the MASONS were willing to not make a scene over the Albert Pike downing. As to them, over time all those 33rd degree walking, acting men - gender bias at play - and we've the mess we have - which is proof they've been useless/worthless.

Or worse. Hoover at FBI, etc.

So, vote Joe. I will not because of how Bloomberg and DNC and others fucked the chance for actual CHANGE, their Bernie takedown, of which Klobuchar was part along with the ambitious - overly ambitious South Bend mayor. Beto. Clyburn. The sorry bunch of 'em.

They are truly bad. Trump is worse.

. . . and if he dies in office . . .

Joe Biden, try as hard as he might, could not make a worse VP choice.

BOTTOM LINE: There is no candidate I can vote for, and with Klobuchar down ticket, I am staying home. Not voting by mail. Let the down ticket people complain about Biden being a weight pulling them under water, but in the Sixth Congressional District of Minnesota where I live, voting Democrat does not matter. It is the district that sent the sick joke Michele Bachmann and then the NRCC goon Tom Emmer to DC. It is a district replete with fools that way.

But of the horrid, evil choice we're given - that great insult to a nation by two God-awful DC-centric money-centric parties - inner party jugglers - Joe presents the lesser clear and present danger.

Dangerous, of course. Look at his record. But if ever an election hinged on lesser evil, it is this one (almost as bad as the one last cycle with the Goldman Sachs bribe taker having "her turn," but not that bad - where Trump won that one).

Joe may age well in office. Who knows? Just don't expect it.

We need to muck the stable. If North Korea's third Kim in a row were to nuke DC, innocent civilians would suffer, but otherwise he'd do us all a favor.

So, hold your nose and vote Joe. I will not, but a majority of voters this November should.

US get fucked either way, Trump desultory in doing it being the main difference. Pence in waiting.

LAST: if you want somebody whose statue(s) needs grounding try Woodrow Wilson. Princeton even agrees. Or concedes.

Regarding Barr, Rep. Steve Cohen wants impeachment hearings. Cohen earned earlier Crabgrass respect by seeking upon his taking his House seat to join the Congressional Black Caucus. Being denied did emphasize a clear racial bias within that group - membership based upon race and so, an exclusive caucus policy denying white entry and participation independent of political thoughts and intentions. (Given how that caucus endorsed Engel, Cohen is better for not being admitted into membership.)

Regarding the stench of the Joe Biden cramdown, Politico, opening paragraphs of

Bernie’s student army learns to live with Biden

the insult of having to bite the God-awful lesser evil again and still bullet:

As the Democratic primary drew to its conclusion, a flurry of Students for Bernie college organizations made clear where they stood: There was no way they could vote for Joe Biden. If Sanders wasn’t the nominee, they planned to either sit out the fall election or vote third party.

But as coronavirus deaths mount and Donald Trump strikes a law-and-order pose against the protests sweeping the nation, many of the leaders of those groups are rethinking their hard-line position. And faced with a choice between a candidate they distrust due to his lack of progressive bona fides, or ushering in the second term of an incumbent they loathe, more than a few leftist college student leaders are learning to live with Biden.

“In recent weeks, it's become pretty clear that Trump is willing to crack down on free speech, and so it's definitely making me lean more toward Biden now,” said Harry Feldman, a Georgia Tech senior and co-chair of the school’s Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter, who was considering voting third party in Georgia.

The last straws, Feldman said, were Trump’s threats to put down unrest with military force and his “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” tweet.

Amira Chowdhury, co-director of a left-wing University of Pennsylvania group that vowed in late March it “will never endorse, nor support Joe Biden,” has also come around on the former vice president. She attributed it to what she called Trump’s failure of leadership, bigotry and racism in recent weeks and her role as a voter in a swing state that Trump captured by just over 44,000 votes in 2016.

With a heavy heart, and with great anger and frustration, and with great rage towards the Democratic establishment, I will vote for Biden,” said Chowdhury, whose Penn for Bernie group is now known as Penn Justice Democrats.

The 77-year-old Biden still has a ways to go with all younger voters, a demographic cohort he struggled to gain traction with during the primary season. Chowdhury’s organization, for example, has declined to formally support the presumptive Democratic nominee.

[italics added, links in original omitted] It is like this endorsement. Trump is so worse-than-Nixon-and-W bad that Biden is incapable of being worse. Or at least that is the hope.

Joe Biden being Joe Biden, he could be worse, but at least vote Trump/Pence out and give Joe the possible fuck-it-up-as-bad-or-worse opportunity. What would surprise is if Biden, free of Obama foot-dragging, proved better than any sane person might hope. It is nothing to bet money on, and the stinging insult from the two-party stranglehold on US still rankles and stinks to high heaven. With that said - We'll see.