
Monday, May 18, 2020

You can look it up. Whether or not there is an actual, recognized word, "eptitude," we all know there exists a term for the opposite. [UPDATED]


Despite Carnahan's quoted speculation, paranoia is not the opposite of eptitude. It is a more direct opposite thing.

And the sad thing. Those poor GOP hopeful conveners losing the chance to experience a Senate nomination acceptance speech by a Doug Wardlow clone.

Missing an online virtual speech by a virtual human.

Oh, my.

Should we say Carnahan and her tech minions were not "ept?" That their "eptness" level set the bar too low? That there was no pep to their ept?

Let's say, "inept."

And move on.

UPDATE: Let's not move on to quickly. Worth noting: With a bit more eptness that crowd could have ended their thing with a communal sing-along.

And there is a side thought worth speculation; where is Doug Wardlow these days? Did he die or move to Ohio? Or would he have been a convention mainstay, in a way equivalent to the tech people?

That eptness thought is apt.

FURTHER: While not entirely sure of the sound of "a bean-pot's fart," I believe it is something like this.

FURTHER: I found the sound - on YouTube.

FURTHER:  Jason Lewis has no real chance in his suggesting he is U.S. Senate material, when not. So, he shows desperation.

Jason Lewis is a savage. CD2 voters realized their mistake giving such a piece of work a term in the House. Voted out after his single sorry term, in favor of a lesbian corporatist and generally unimpressive "Schumer Democrat," because he stunk.

So desperate now that he hitches his chances to another more savage Savage. To a bloviating savage. Both are bloviating savages, and Jason has the gall to publicly dump on better men than him. Anybody who would vote for Jason Lewis over Tina Smith, (an admittedly unimpressive corporatist Democrat like Angie Craig), is a savage. End of story.