
Monday, May 25, 2020

What if Biden had told a progressive radio host, “You’ve got more questions? Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t progressive.”


It seems likely that black voters have been treated by the Democratic donor class the same way as progressives; if you don't like our cramdown, where you gonna go, Jack? That being what progressives have had to swallow for years. Now blacks are feeling the same we got you cornered brand. Biden merely articulated a pervasive mood among inner party Democrats and their handling donors.

Progressives should bristle as much over the insult sting that comment carried for black people as if it were with one word substitution a dismissal of their dismay.

Last, usage: black vs. African American. I vividly recall days of "Black is Beautiful," and the current movement is not calling itself, "African American lives matter." Black lives do matter. Either categorical usage works.

What galls is the presumtiveness of what Biden said. Progressives are unsure of how much lesser evil time and again being the mindset they bump against. A big question is how much of that can they can put up with, time and again, and the Biden camp needs to address the feeling or be the Hillary clone suffering the Hillary fate.

Ditto for black voters who do not rotely take marching orders from Rep. Clyburn, but want to be shown more actual love and regard. Medicare for All has as part of its beauty and simplicity its universality; favoring blacks, progressives, indeed, all others who've not enjoyed their due respect - Their slice of the pie - Their part of any "American Dream" not a lying nightmare.

UPDATE: And don't bother to think substituting that corporatist nightmare Cuomo. Foisting that load might seem a glib option. However, it will not work. You genius inner party Tom Perez types gotta do better or watch Trump's four more years. You've torpedoed a better man in favor of Biden, made your bed, so lie in it.