
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Two videos saying things that should be said; and given attention by the people - about circling the wagons in ways AGAINST the people. Cohesiveness vs. evolution to a better way. About wrong way drivers jumping in line to bless lesser evils because it's their party's evils - the same old destrutive we-they two party posture against US.

Rather than caring much about whether Biden can "defeat" Trump, how about thinking, "Say Biden wins, what would be different?" When Obama/Biden had eight years, what - if much at all - was fundamentally different? China and Iran had things easier, but aside from that, there was continuity, Bubba > Bush > Obama > Trump.

What is the lesson?

Same commentator who, whether you like his style or not, says things we need to hear and will not hear from Comcast's servant outlets; CNN; etc. Not to expect to see it to read in the newspaper Bezos owns; a paper which coincidentally will not delve into Amazon faults and its workforce's suffering.

With that lead-in; videos here and here.

Pramila Jayapal is the most presidential person within either party in terms of decency and having her head right.

Unfortunately, she was born outside of the country and without the escape clause McCain had when running while having been born in canal-zone Panama.

If we do not face the questions raised by that commentator, where is our hope? It is sad that only a handful of people - under twenty thousand in each case - are identified as having so far viewed those two YouTube items.

UPDATE: The one about Bernie skipping a chance to vote against the Deep State troubles me more than Warren, given lemons, trying to make lemonade. Neither is a profile in courage. Still, each is only a disappointment and not a devastation. More outright saddening, than surprising. AND - Make that Bernie skipping out of voting for or against the Deep State. For or against the surveillance state. Chomsky if in that position would have shown up.

FURTHER: Ro Khanna was born in Philadelphia. He would make a hell of a fine President. His mind's right. Would he want it? That is a separate question, would he vs. could he.

A Trump four-more would ensue from a Biden-Harris or a Biden-Klobuchar ticket. Biden-Warren would have a chance; whereas a Warren-Biden ticket likely would win.

Biden's gender restriction blocks Khanna as VP, where, otherwise, he'd be the best choice the party has.

Last, Biden doesn't have the balls to select Tulsi for VP. Because her presidential campaign never moved from low single digit poll numbers, he need not explain any passing over her. Just not Harris, please. Phony on the second spot would just reflect phony atop the ticket. Klobuchar? Nothing phony nor corrupt in the closet; just mediocre centrist policy would reflect mediocre centrist policy atop the ticket. Stacey Abrams - a good possibility, fitting Clyburn's preference on race diversity for the ticket. She'd be a winning choice too. With winning being the objective, despite appearances from the Clinton to Biden party BS decision making two election cycles in a row suggesting wanting winners was subordinate to other obscure considerations we can only guess at and distrust.