
Sunday, May 31, 2020

The upshot of George Floyd's murder - the Bob Kroll species of policing is past its pull date. [UPDATED]

Kroll and his ilk need to be fired. The power to fire as needed must be put into any further police union contract.

Untouchable has to not be the regular course from now, onward.

The job pays well and there will be men and women to take it, the opening, when each bad one is weeded out.

Respect should be for character and conduct and reliability; not fear as a surrogate for any respect.

But consider, how many Sackler family murdering sociopaths are in jail? Where they can reflect and repent. Right. Not one.

The society has to readjust values and rules. The boot or knee on the throat is less than fair government.

Larry Ellison, Mike Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet - each holding much and chasing more wealth and related power is wrong and needs to be fixed.

Worldwide, globalization will happen. It can happen as a fair thing, or more of the same. Neo-feudalism has no real charm, so why is it being foisted off on us?

Mitchell McConnell and Charles Schumer are proof term limits are needed and rigid control of political spending must at the same time be implemented so that turnover is refreshing and invigorated rather than more of the same.

Unrest will never end. However, its causes being done away with will make unrest less a part of every individual's life, all for the good of the planet and its people. Green New Deal and such are fine, but population control - refusing overpopulating a finite planet is needed, however it can most fairly be implemented. Nastiness toward labor is simply wrong, and needs fixing.

Law and order as a catch phrase to mean keeping underprivileged people in check, rather than spreading privilege fairly, that law and order will fail. Decent law likely would result in decent human order; if only decent law were ever put in place.

Think it all over. As one nearing life's end by aging, the burden and duty shifts from my age group in Congress to something better, if those younger can "handle the deets." Those younger, worldwide - good luck trying. Greed kills.

Right now a sensible rule for US is to distrust anyone in a business suit or a comparable uniform of oppression, the more expensive the label, the greater degree of distrust earned. With that a point some can disagree with, one truth is nature will get even. The planet will win. Species come and go.

The Hill - here and here.

Compare Gary Gross, recent blogging.