
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Sixties term "pig" comes to mind.

Link. A worse thing? Three other cops were fired. There was no even lukewarm attempt to intercede to prevent the clearly flagrant and entirely wilful, act of intentional criminal murder from happening. Three. Without giving a shit. Accessorial liability is the term. This level of conduct is a crime against not only one handcuffed black man, but a crime against all humanity. Brutal bastards with badges is not acceptable. Not ever.

What would Doug Wardlow say?

Amy Klobuchar was a "law and order" campaigner for county attorney and during her multiple sequential terms in office it appears not a single cop was reported to have gone to jail for assault or other misconduct against persons from the public. (However, reports of settled civil actions were found in web searching.) In Biden's vetting, don't just count her teeth and examine her medical records to see she'd not croak in office. Look at her record - per websearch, Politico, Roll Call, and this from Strib:

But the national media spotlight on her time as Hennepin County Attorney has not always been flattering, with civil rights activists questioning the prosecution of a black teenager in a notorious Minneapolis child slaying and a series of 30 police-involved deaths without a single prosecution.

Both issues have put her on the defensive in an age of strained police relations in minority communities, particularly as she ramps up a national campaign and seeks the support of black voters in states like South Carolina, [... where subsequent to the report being posted she and others dropped out in favor of Biden against Bernie instead of trying].

This week, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman defended Klobuchar for the conviction of Myon Burrell in the 2002 killing of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards, a case that has come under new scrutiny in an Associated Press investigation. Klobuchar herself has called for the case to be reviewed for new evidence.

See also current Twin Cities news, here. Current County Attorney Freeman, (above, reportedly defending Klobuchar's record), needs to be viewed in context of the mayor wondering while the prosecutor, Freeman, so far is not jailing any of the four fired police force perps.

That the Floyd murder happened has the history of a dearth of police prosecutions during Klobuchar years as a context for police attitude and conduct now, as continuity of then, i.e., accountability being lax now, as then. (Recall Bloomberg's getting heat over encouraging questionable New York police tactics while in office, that being suggested as a major black mark against his service as mayor.)

Klobuchar is not a Doug Wardlow, she has character above that low a standard, and would never use Bob Kroll as a campaigning prop. She's completely honest, not a bribe taker, but she's not appearing to have a single progressive bone in her body. And proud of it. She'd sink a Biden ticket. Politico noted:

2020 ELECTIONS - Black activists warn Biden: Don't pick Klobuchar as VP - The Minnesota senator and former prosecutor has problems with communities of colors that another top white contender, Elizabeth Warren, does not.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar performed abysmally among black voters in the Democratic primary. It’s haunting her now as Joe Biden decides on a running mate.

The Minnesota Democrat has the governing experience and ideological profile to mesh well with Biden, [...] But more than a dozen black and Latino strategists and activists warned in interviews that selecting Klobuchar would not help Biden excite black voters — and might have the opposite effect. Klobuchar would “risk losing the very base the Democrats need to win,” said Aimee Allison, founder of She the People, which promotes women of color in politics. They pointed to Klobuchar’s poor performance among nonwhite voters during the presidential primary, as well as her record as a prosecutor in Minnesota.

It’s not yet clear how much the opposition of activists matters to Biden. He's made clear that the electoral politics of his pick matter less than choosing someone who can be a governing partner and step into the top job without worry.

But the vocal contingent of African American and Latino detractors — many of whom said they would prefer that Biden select a black woman as a running mate — is unique to Klobuchar; Elizabeth Warren, another top contender for VP, doesn’t elicit similar antagonism from communities of color.

"It comes from her performance in the primary — her weakness in being able to motivate them," said Adrianne Shropshire, executive director of BlackPAC, who supports several potential vice presidential selections. “The engagement and the enthusiasm of black voters is going to be a difference-maker in this election, and the concerns about her in this role stem from the degree to which she resonated or not with those core constituencies.”

Earlier this week, Biden confirmed that "multiple black women [are] being considered" for vice president.

George Floyd's murder as current news surely is no help to any ambition Klobuchar may have of being on a presidential ticket.

Progressives have to wonder about her being part of the dropout of Beto, her, and the South Bend mayor on the eve of the South Carolina primary at the time Clyburn endorsed Biden. Her being part of that intentional strategy of screwing Bernie was no favor to progressives.

That's a bottom line you can take to the bank. Harris as another former prosecutor reported to be in consideration with the Biden handlers checks the black woman of a generation younger than Biden box, however, in comparison Klobuchar is not a glib phony - what you see is what you get, with Amy.

Harris with that "I'm that little girl" sandbagging crap in the one debate really then told the world who she is. It was news then and is evidence against Harris now. At Crabgrass, a Biden-Klobuchar ticket is viewed as superior to a Biden-Harris ticket. But that's faint praise. As in saying she's no Doug Wardlow. True but basically unimpressive, indeed, barely complementary.