
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Retreading General Flynn goes beyond Trump thinking he's a good guy, to he's integral to the run against Biden by being a surrogacy run against Obama.

Larouche sometimes publishes online items, which if factually correct and subject to fact checking, explain much.

This particular post from August 21, 2015, paints a picture which can easily be inferred to be fodder for, and an outline of at least a part of Trump's surrogacy attacks on Biden (complicity being the suggestion, where Biden cannot disclaim a key administration role while having campaigned on a claim of having a key Obama administration role. Biden cannot keep a foot in each camp).

Matthew Pottinger is a quintessential out-of-the-Ivy-League spook, first the press, then enlisting at age 32 in the Marines, and co-authoring Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan.

Pottinger has a Wikipedia page, showing a military kinship with Flynn, who was the senior officer signing the "blueprint." Flynn's brief tenure as NSC head included bring Pottinger with him; Pottinger still serving as an East Asia specialist influential on Trump's China policy and conduct. Pottinger was alleged to be a spin doctor, (by, but reporting in every nation rests on often unstated "given premises").

CFR ticket punched. Time with a hedge fund. Likely gaining affluence that way, (not as a marine).

It truly looks as if Flynn is being retreaded for the campaign against Obama/Biden, Pottinger being in the Trump administration with no clarity of whether he has a campaign persona. If he stays in shadows, Flynn is a verbose front man, but in need first of the rehab. Starting with Barr's recent action which had career prosecutors on the Flynn criminal case refusing to sign paperwork re dismissal, one resigning. (No link, readers have to research something on their own or they get complacent.)

Closing, WaPo:

April 29, 2020 at 4:18 PM EDT

In February, as President Trump was projecting confidence that China’s Xi Jinping had the coronavirus under control, his deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger received some alarming information. The virus was spreading beyond China’s borders, and so, U.S. officials warned, was a disinformation campaign from the Communist Party in Beijing.

Chinese leaders, Pottinger believed, were engaging in a massive coverup and a “psychological warfare” operation to obscure the origins of the virus and deflect blame, according to people with knowledge of his thinking. U.S. intelligence officials were picking up signs that Chinese operatives were deliberately sowing disinformation, including state media manipulating stories to change key facts, the people said.

Pottinger urged Trump and other senior officials to brand the virus with a label so that there would be no mistaking its origins: the Wuhan virus.

See, Reuters.

Bet you didn't know that. Trump liked it and used it, but WaPo says the usage was derivative.

One last thing about Pottinger, Bannon likes him. The beat goes on.