
Friday, April 17, 2020

Uncle Sam? The old flim-flam.


As you read content, the press release is dated 1998. Meaning, that ultra-conservative chest beating thing was first posted during late twentieth century off-year election time. Newt's Contract Against America was getting press huzzahs, and votes, and Biden was with the flow. The Archive's banner notes 8 downloads, Christmas day 2003, into 2004; meaning that the same press release remained on Biden's Senate website for months, e.g., here. For that time frame, Bush's Iraq War was in full swing, Bush was ascendant in eyes of mainstream media; and Biden went with the flow. Like Huck Finn drifting down-river wherever the current led. As flexibly adaptable as urban coyotes.

Biden must have been shocked and awed into conservative attire. Or just doing polling.

If you see this press release/advertisement as congruent with the "Nothing will fundamentally change" promises Biden made the other day to money, that gets the silver star. If appalled by it all; Biden huckestering The War, the Right, the interests of banks over people; then it's a gold star. If you are unsure, Biden, lesser or greater evil compared to Trump; you win the new Lexus automobile. Top prize. Enjoy voting in November or staying home out of principle.

 Tired of the lesser evil gaming the two parties serve up every election; rain or shine; war or peace; good economy or bad? Wouldn't you rather, just once, to be able to choose the lesser good? Biden. Trump. That would be a difficult vote, the lesser good. You'd have to look for good, each side, before greater and lesser matter.

There is never a shortage of opinions on the web. Avoiding opinions that are wholly worthless, try instead, suggested links of two minds, yes, but where else is truth narrowed so effectively: Three links, shortest first: here, here and here.

The third item ends by embedding this YouTube item suggesting the DNC and allied money might not mind a Biden loss - second Trump term, as Andrew Cuomo's (and his hanger-on opportunists') opportunity to posture toward 2024 - (the election cycle after Trump's run his course and when Pence and Nikki Haley will be arm-wrestling) - Cuomo being able then to act as the DNC's raging bull during a second Trump term to gain national stature to fuel a presidential run.

Meanwhile milk the current consultancy cash cow dry after having crapped on Bernie and his grassroots strength.

Cynical as an outlook? Yes. Truthful? You decide.

FURTHER: It seems Biden could gain votes by saying, "Put me in the White House and you'd be able to avoid Cuomo incessantly going bitch, bitch, bitch." That, incessant Cuomo as mainstream media's voice of the loyal opposition,  is what likely will happen with a Trump second term and it's nowhere close to a brand I'd trust to buy. Not now, likely never, but the GOP could run Pence in which case Vlad Dracula could gain many votes if opposing Pence.