
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Invasion of the killer leeches.

If Covid-19 coverage is getting too widespread in mainstream media for your liking, websearch = Biden Hawkfish

It shows Mike Bloomberg wanting more.

Or you can read the stuff differently.

As to what Biden may do, Clyburn and Perez have yet to make a decision.

Battling among leeches is news, of a kind, but not new news; not by any measure nor in any actually new dimension.

Same old shit, or not? Same old, but with a new twist related to an electorate wanting decency these days? You can read, you can decide. One thing for certain, a beach littered with dead Hawkfish would have its own strong odor. The smell of money amok? Or not, just business as usual in good ol' DC? Regular stink? Nothing novel?

Try it. You'll like it? But then Tom Perez is not for sale, is he?

As a thought experiment, how might Bloomberg's Hawkfish promote this idea if gaining control of the Biden experiment? Might that question be a good barometer of the Biden Gestalt - with or without a Hunter-Hawkfish board dimension?

Politico. The Intercept.