
Sunday, March 08, 2020

Why I am glad I never liked Kamala Harris, never really trusting anything she said.

Strib carrying an AP feed reporting Harris endorsing Biden, Jesse Jacdkson endorsing Bernie; mid-item:

In a statement on Biden, meanwhile, Harris said, "There is no one better prepared than Joe to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office."

"He is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people," her statement added.

Harris said the United States "is at an inflection point. And the decision voters make this November will shape the country and the world our children and grandchildren will grow up in. I believe in Joe Biden."

Right. "No one better prepared than Joe" precisely explains why she ran against him and only folded when it became crystal clear beyond any doubt that she had no chance. Even thinking, as clear from her statement, that she was running while less prepared than the old white conservative blowhard career politician she now proclaims as better prepared to govern than her.

She's a bullshitter, even in endorsing one.

The AP item further reports:

Jackson was appearing with Sanders during a campaign stop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and planned to say that Biden had not reached out to him for endorsement and Sanders had. He says he chose Sanders after the senator's campaign offered responses on 13 issues Jackson raised, including protecting voting rights, increasing funding for historically black colleges and universities and committing to putting African Americans on the Supreme Court, according to prepared remarks released by the campaign.

Right. Sanders on the issues. And, Ukraine Joe cared not who Jesse Jackson is, or how he feels, ON ISSUES.

Then, compare hyperbolic dissembling: Harris, re Ukraine Joe, " ... kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people." This is about the career politician who listens to Wall Street and to credit card companies and sought and will further seek money from plutocrats, not from the people since they give to Bernie.

This Harris patter is about the SOB who Warren called out decades ago over screwing students and below-poverty-level single parent families via Biden's championing so-called "bankruptcy reform" tooled by the politicians to work in that direction. That "reform" term was the hack politicians' wording used then for making it more as the credit card companies want; against the people.

Any but total fools could see the dissembling of it. Going full circle, Harris is not dumb. She knows exactly who Ukraine Joe is and has been. But she is a party hack at heart, serving a sick corporatist-loving status quo. Ugly in the extreme.

Harris becoming a Biden bro: What else is a hack politician to do, but bond with her own kind? It makes me glad Harris could not generate any traction. People saw through her.

If they could only see through Ukraine Joe.

California really needs two better Senators. Progressives instead of the plutocrat and the junior Senator plutocrat wannabe.

NOTE; The understanding here is Cory Booker has not endorsed anyone. Yet. That one would be interesting. Perhaps he is not intending an endorsement. Perhaps he endorsed somebody already, with it under my radar and it not showing up in websearch. That is unlikely.

People should not forget Kamala Harris' debate ambush, "That Little Girl Was Me." Politico's story remains online. However, you can no longer get the tee shirt from Kamala. You get a 403 error instead.

The tee shirt was priced at thrity bucks and ugly. That little girl's a sick joke.

Amazon still lists it:

Product description

Kamala Harris' 2020 campaign "That Little Girl Was Me" T-shirts following viral exchange with Joe Biden.

That was the point in time where it was first realized and posted here, about the woman being more gimmick than real.