
Monday, March 02, 2020

Real Clear Politics poll reporting suggests Bernie will have happy thoughts tomorrow evening.

Link. How reliable the numbers are is a question, but there's no question of what the published numbers are saying. Bloomberg may wonder if his spending was that good of an idea. If he gets the hammer for a brokered convention he will be happy, and Bernie will have to play defense all the way to the convention. Bernie stays on message as well as anyone, and Bloomberg is such a condescending SOB that how he got to be a three-term mayor is a mystery. That pompous style must ring some folks' bell, but nationwide, tomorrow, expect the SOB to get enough votes that, with superdelegates participating after a first vote at the Dem convention, Bloomberg and the other establishment problems can coalesce into a putsch for status quo defeat of Bernie. So Trump gets four more, the aim will be to stop reform at all costs, and Bloomberg's spending might enable that.

However, expect Bernie to remain in first place in pledged delegate counts, tomorrow evening. That means Bloomberg will have to continue spending in the states that have primaries after Super Tuesday. One really has to hope he spends a ton, unsuccessfully, with President Sanders than having eight years to push against the likes of Mitch McConnell, (Paul Ryan having already moved on to life after the House, onto the money-making gravy train awaiting all the politicians who play ball with the rich). One leaves, but there will always be others willing to play ball and deliver, in order to prosper. Like the Obamas waterfront Marthas Vinyard prime housing, after having delivered. Ditto the Clinton Foundation, etc.

I.e., Mayor Pete has something to aim for, not being all that affluent at present.