
Thursday, March 05, 2020

BIDEN is a loser. Run the SOB and lose down ticket too.

The bastard opposes Medicare for All. Klobuchar too, and she pulled that 11th hour withdrawal stunt.

Run Biden and I stay home. Every progressive should do the same. Either get a true voice, or let THEM lose with another loser.

Run a bribe taker [Goldman Sachs speeches] as done, lose. Run another [Burisma] and lose. Lack of even minimal ethical conduct is a deal killer. And it is not gender bias, first because Clinton and Biden are of different gender, second, each was a bribe taker; but Elizabeth Warren as the party's 2020 candidate, she'd win and clean up down ticket too. I would love the opportunity to elect Warren the first woman president. Break the gender line with an honorable quality person, please, not a bribe taker as was run in 2016. (Technically the speech for super bucks ploy avoids liability for the narrowly defined crime of bribery, but it is what it is. Technically, routing stuff through the offspring dodges criminal liability too - but it also is what it is.)

It is not gender. It is bribe taking, or the appearance of the same with son Hunter as way too close of a credible cutout person.

I want a candidate I can respect. Biden is a bankers' tool. What he did about student debt and closing off bankruptcy relief was unconscionable. There is no other, better word to describe that and his smug attitude doing it. Unconscionable in all aspects (and that smug crap is anything but an endearing charm). I don't need that kind of ticket leader since Biden's record an attitude is as bad or worse than Trump's. And he is a career politician, unlike Trump. If I want a career politician, I have one I appreciate as honest, AND sound on policy;


Handling a career in politics the way Bernie has is honorable, with no Burisma nor Goldman Sachs dishonorable BS to the man. Not one iota. And Bernie is direct with no smug, cute BS toward a committee witness.

I urge every progressive to weigh the chouce of just saying NO. Force the down ticket candidates into wanting to force inner party leadership to do the right thing or again see Trump, family, and cronies get the spoils the Biden hangers on want. Hit them where it hurts if that is what it takes to get their attention. The smug and mean-spirited SOBs.

If Biden is the nominee, progressives should just stay home. Four more of Trump would be half as bad as eight of Biden. They are mirror images ethically, and on policy it is hard to say which is worse. Or whether they differ in any major way.

Moments after the trigger was pulled to publish the above thinking I was told Warren decided to suspend her campaign. That makes the remaining contest Bernie and Biden, up to convention time. A brokered convention can pick anyone, even Steny Hoyer, to run. Or Tulsi. Warren still could be a compromise choice - the only choice besides Bernie that I'd vote for, at this point, given recent developments. At least Pete and Bloomberg have withdrawn, but the convention could nominate either, once the superdelegates are involved to muck things up as badly as they did in 2016. Superdelegates are offensive to democracy, but there's no law that a political party needs be democratic. It is only that if not democratic, don't vote in a way that encourages rather than discourages undemocratic attitudes and conduct in the future. Think, always, reform. It's only good sense to not give positive reinforcement to crap. Not liking Comcast and MSNBC, why would I be expected to vote for their financed choice? Big donors' choice.

I am so tired of "lesser evil" choices, the worse being 2016 when the two most unpopular candidates ever were run against each other by the two parties having a stranglehold on our nation's politics, each running financed by wealth which afterward always wants some kind of return on investment.

We have to break the mold. Starting 2020, as best we can.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
We need net neutrality to not be jerked around by web ISPs. Biden, indebted to Comcast, is in no position to deliver it. Bernie is.