
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Bernie is free of this kind of taint. That SHOULD matter.

ZeroHedge carrying an item authored by John Solomon, about the Biden - Ukraine shit the party establishment does not mind. It staggers the imagination that this would not be a major concern. Mainstream media seem to downplay the scandalous dimensions suggested by all publicly known circumstances. It will be hard in a ramp up to November to be explaining a blind eye to a red flag, in order to torpedo progressive reform. These party regulars are --- concerned. Not about Biden's shady dimensions, but by Bernie's success without them. Making them vestigial would touch their self esteem. Their cash flows too. Business as usual has survived the Bloomberg buy-the-race ploy and expresses more comfortable statements about Bernie's progressivism having been dented too.

It is early in the election process.

Politico, here, a March 2, 2020, item which should be of interest to all the establishment Biden boosters, starting:

A key senator is threatening to issue a subpoena for records related to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and his work for a Ukrainian energy firm — the most significant escalation yet in an investigation that has divided Senate Republicans.

In a letter obtained by POLITICO, Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told members of the panel that he will soon schedule a business meeting to vote on a subpoena for the documents, which are purportedly related to Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the Ukrainian firm, Burisma.

The subpoena seeks records from Blue Star, a Democratic public affairs firm. In his letter to committee members, Johnson cited government documents indicating that the firm “sought to leverage Hunter Biden’s role as a board member of Burisma to gain access to, and potentially influence matters at, the State Department.”

If issued, the subpoena would be the first as part of the panel’s joint conflict-of-interest investigation with the Senate Finance Committee. It also comes on the heels of Biden’s landslide victory in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, and ahead of several Super Tuesday contests that could shape the trajectory of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

This seems an interesting and particularized level of inquiry; Senate Committee chairs, coordinating. Not good news for Biden and his booster billionaires. Are there bodies buried and do these Senate Republicans have a good idea of where to look?

You don't need a weatherman to know which ways the story blows? No. Dylan's lyrics differed. But wait and see. This version might be more akin to timely questions and uncertainty getting answered in ways we can now only guess at.