
Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Bernie does stay on message nicely.

Video Link. Perhaps Biden peaked too early with the dropouts' supporters having had short notice to reevaluate. If intelligent reevaluation happens subsequent to Super Tuesday in states yet to vote a primary, the message may reach through to gray matter; while expecting Biden to be Biden, no different than in his prior runs for President, where each time, it was not there for him.

Tuesday's vote was a bad vote, but move on because the bulk of convention delegate votes are still on the table. The Bern is needed. Same old status quo would be Trump winning - if you run the corporate Dem message against Trump, as it was tried in 2016, and failed, so shall it fail again if tried again. Biden is as close to being a Clinton as Chelsea is. Why expect he'd finish differently?

Put into personal terms, I have no reason in the world to vote for Joe Biden this November. None. He's Trump with more bumbling speech habits. Identical ethics questions fit Biden and Trump. Running some unimaginative BS corporate toady candidate with baggage this time seems unjustified, given how that idea worked with an actual Clinton last try.

BOTTOM LINE: Give US a decent choice or we get four more.