
Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Affluent presidential candidate quits the contest after failing to inspire primary voters.

Just as the Bloomberg camp wanted. Per their "Clear the field" message. Strib editorializes about it:

Despite defeat, Klobuchar should hold her head high -- Minnesota senator conducted a presidential campaign with integrity.
By Editorial Board Star Tribune - March 2, 2020 — 4:03pm

[... final paragraph] Klobuchar, true to form, is packing away her own disappointments and within hours was planning to join her presidential-race rival Pete Buttigieg in endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden at a rally in Dallas. It’s not easy to shutter one’s own campaign on a day’s notice and immediately begin stumping for someone else. Minnesota can be proud of Klobuchar for taking a hard blow but barely pausing in the fight for a larger goal.

Politician to the end. Fact is, it was easy for her to bow to Bloomberg and Biden future gratitude and IOUs. No problem at all blessing a lesser candidate than herself. Once in politics, always in politics. She can now go back to pandering in the Senate to copper mining barons along with Tina. Instead of joining the McCollum effort to protect our part of the earth against long-term depredation by foreign corporations chasing short-term maximized profit.

Bless them both, Amy and Tina, for their environmental chops. Such as they are. Valued in their absence.

More of the same Biden bonding. Sens Booker and Harris, where are you? Cautious? Sensible? Perhaps considering Breitbart's coverage of WaPo reporting:

The inner party established CFR member and career politician favorite, (with the hunter-gatherer son); a career politician, affluent enough from a life on the public's payroll. Hunter instead went Ukrainian private sector in a big way to seek his fortune. Dad's involvement being allegedly coincidental to Hunter's abiding gas expertise and insights into things Ukranian.

Nothing else to see there, for Amy, Beto, Mayor Pete; all the Biden bandwagon bros having enduring faith that Nothing Will Fundamentally Change.

Many thinking people favor the Bernie bros over Biden bros, in wanting the fundamental change Bernie wants and represents. If after all the game playing Biden is not first in Texas by a substantial margin, stick a fork. Become Bloomberg bros? Never mind his Republicanism, just call him a bro, and go?

All that hate, and Bernie is such a nice, principled man . . .

It must be economic. Not personal. Policy disagreement; what the people want vs. what the inner party stakeholders want. Turf protection continuity trumping good government ideals. So, just hand Orange Man four more rather than reform? Sure. Why not?