
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"'Why would you have a call for the two women to get out when you have two billionaires in the race?' she [Klobuchar] said in a reference to Bloomberg and Steyer. [...] Both Steyer and Bloomberg have the personal fortune to continue well into the contest, although neither has identified a state they say they can win."

Headlining above is from Strib's carrying, "'Why would I get out?': Democrats brush off calls to quit - By SARA BURNETT Associated Press - February 25, 2020 — 12:05am

Career money magnets dis career politicians, and vice versa. Read all about it. Again, this link. Put another way, Bloomberg has the gall to tell those who have run and won some office, to get out of his buck-greased way. What a shit. Yes, he was elected three times as mayor of New York City. Big deal. A New Yorker like Trump. Only shorter, but with as big a chip on his shoulder. Steyer at least makes himself less hate-worthy, by being nondescript. There is no giant cause to dislike Steyer's manners. Real people won't vote for Bloomberg.

Bernie leads going into Super Tuesday. The guess here is Bernie will lead coming out of Super Tuesday. But it's a guess, and we'll have certainty after only a few days. Bloomberg at a guess will not get out even if hammered on Super Tuesday. He can aim to accumulate enough delegates to cause mischief for Bernie and the Democratic Party, with that Party itself being fit by personalities to cause more than enough mischief for Bernie; Clintonista grudges and all.

BOTTOM LINE: What does Bloomberg bring to the table for the 99%? "As much as Mayor Pete" is not much of an answer. Neither presents any cause for regular people to back their elitist personas. Both are smoke and mirror panderers. Both are as status quo as Joe and as AKlo. Let them fight it out.

If forced to back a billionaire or Mayor Pete or AKlo, Steyer seems the least status quo of that bunch.

Biden? Get real. Joe is like handing Trump four more on a silver platter.

Warren is still in the contest and is the second best choice in thinking here, while she also is the best choice among a substantial percentage of progressives. She should stay, as the only sane brokered convention backup choice the damned party has. And as a sensible opportunity for the Party to run a woman and win. Which is faint praise, far less praise than she has earned, over time, praiseworthiness being an area where both Mayor B choices are lacking, based on comparative records.