
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Of interest, move aside for Mike begets less than love.

The Hill:

In a memo released shortly before the debate, senior Bloomberg advisers laid out the stark delegates math Democrats face if they hope to stop Sanders.

“If Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar remain in the race despite having no path to appreciably collecting delegates on Super Tuesday and beyond, they will propel Sanders to a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead by siphoning votes away from Mike Bloomberg,” Bloomberg campaign advisers Kevin Sheekey and Howard Wolfson wrote this week.

[...] The Buttigieg campaign is calling on Bloomberg to step aside.

"If Bloomberg remains in the race despite showing he can not offer a viable alternative to Bernie Sanders, he will propel Sanders to a seemingly insurmountable delegate lead siphoning votes away from Pete, the current leader in delegates," Buttigieg's campaign wrote.

The audacity of the upstart. Has not even made his first billion yet, and acting up. Also, that "leader in delegates" term was sprung by Pete's folks before Nevada, clearly so, and talk about swinging on a technicality . . .

Well, should Bernie get an "insurmountable" lead in pledged first-vote delegates, let us hope things convene and unfold without an obsequious, interminable balloon drop. There is room for a learning curve.