
Monday, February 17, 2020

Naval gazing - What is Bloomberg up to?

View the entire "Mike" BS as not wanting to buy the Presidency [for himself], but attempting to buy the hammer at a brokered convention. The power of that, and not having to soil his hands being actually in office, would let him either be kingmaker if he uses the hammer to help a winner, and being alternatively a Republican-satisfied Bloomberg with four-more. Either way the surrogate takes the heat for unpopular steps in office, with propaganda support to lessen the sting, while the billionaires get their continued privilege, distanced from having to take any of the heat. In effect, status quo with Bloomberg owed something. It would not be a bad thing to aim for from Bloomberg's position, if motivated more toward dark enterprise vs responsibility to an entire populace. The class war against the rest of us going on, same old, same old.

Relevant to this post and the one below, four excellent links. Without excerpting. First, here. Read it if not any of the other three because it is the most thought provoking. Also, here, here and here. Which outlet do should you trust?

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Is the Klobuchar borderline staying power together with her disproportionate press coverage [e.g., NYT endorsed] a precursor to a Bloomberg - Klobuchar ticket? It would play better than a Bloomberg - Buttigieg pairing, and could spend what it takes. Progressives should be cautiously cognizant. A Bloomberg - Biden ticket, how would that play? Bloomberg - Yang? Bloomberg - Warren? Unlikely, but never say never.