
Friday, February 14, 2020

Just another Wall Street whore? Hello Biden. Hello Ms. Clinton. Hello, Pete. Astute company? Or, doing what comes naturally?

Link. Thousand bucks a plate X 150 paying their Klobuchar dues = dependencies and expectations? Worse, inclinations among those who identify with each other and the class war against the poor and marginal. [Edit]Against paycheck to paycheck thrall and credit card usurythralls and credit card usury victims. Power suppressing the powerless, from propaganda to street demonstration policing.
{End edit]
OM LINE: These Wall Street types do not give. They invest. Investment offered, and bought. End of story.

An unexpected AP flip-flop report (published after the above post) opens:

Klobuchar shifts on immigration before Nevada caucuses
February 14, 2020 — 11:50pm

LAS VEGAS — Democratic presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar says she no longer believes English should be the national language of the U.S., disavowing a vote she took more than a decade ago as she tries to build support in a state where Hispanics make up a critical constituency.

Campaigning in Las Vegas, the three-term Minnesota senator said Friday that she has changed her stance since voting for an English-language amendment in 2007 and has "taken a strong position against" it. She also blasted President Donald Trump for using immigrants as "wedges" and said as president she would work with Republicans to achieve comprehensive immigration reform.

Klobuchar's record on immigration is under scrutiny after her third-place finish in the New Hampshire primary this week revived her campaign and sent her on to Nevada's Feb. 22 caucuses with fresh momentum. After focusing much of her campaign on the first two voting states — Iowa and New Hampshire, both predominantly white — she's now navigating a much more diverse electorate, where some of her moderate positions and willingness to vote with her Republican colleagues could be a liability.

Klobuchar was one of 17 Democrats to support a 2007 amendment that would have reversed President Bill Clinton's executive order requiring federal agencies to provide materials in languages other than English. It passed 64-33, but the larger immigration bill died.

[italics added] Also, AP, a gotcha thing. I could not myself give the gentleman's name. Sure, I am not running for president, but it still rings "GOTCHA" to me.

Next, this is old news Klobuchar faced in the past which would arise again should she gain traction lasting beyond the landing of the Bloomberg purchasing exercise, Super Tuesday, where money's been talking quite a bit via the Bloomberg deep pocket, and independent of any actual merit the second "Mayor B." candidacy entails.

LAST: This report link sent to me is news to me, and not an old cliam. As a BDS supporter - something has to generate sensible movement among Israeli leadership. And it surely is not Jarad's insulting "solution." Something real is instead needed with BDS available as incentivization. Annexation of occupied territory seized by warfare is not a generally good thing to countenance; given the mischief others may see as, "If the Israelis get away with it ...". We have Ilhan Omar, but she has a minority voice drowned out by AIPAC and Mark Mellman. who have done our nation a great injustice with their fuck-Bernie business [do your own websearch if you do not like mine, and draw your own circumstantial conclusions if you don't like mine]. Sure, Mellman is a U.S. citizen with First Amendment rights. Has he registered as a foreign agent, or would he be contending that his latest mischief is not on behalf of Israel in a way requiring such registration?

Still, in a worse light upon Klobuchar, in the opinion here at Crabgrass she is a superior choice to either Mayor B, or Biden.

Judgment in light of all circumstances media publish, is a very subjective thing, and we can only rely on so much beyond our own experiences. Which outlet do you turst? For me, not Comcast/MSNBC nor CNN - each being viewed as continuing unfairness toward Bernie and Warren, serving status quo forces over progressive CHANGE.