
Monday, February 10, 2020

In all attention everywhere, Crooks and Liars looks at Elizabeth Warren and George Stephanopoulos. And -

I really love the way Elizabeth Warren shamed George Stephanopoulos for trying to shame HER into taking billionaire contributions from SuperPACs on ABC's This Week. No matter how hard he tried to shovel the conventional wisdom in her lap, she shoveled it right back on him.

After downplaying her impressive finish in Iowa because only the "top two matter," Warren pushed back, noting that she didn't take money from anyone other than grassroots donors.

Ah, but GSteph was ready for that. noting that other candidates -- Pete Buttigieg specifically -- aren't shy about taking the big bucks from whoever might be waving them around.

" And [Buttigieg] made no apologies for doing what he's doing," Stephanopoulis noted. "He says it's important to build the biggest coalition you can."

Oh, well then. Let's just round up the Koch Brothers in the name of coalition building. Sell your soul to the devil and it's his forever, after all. Okay, that's my retort. Warren's was better.

"You know, the coalition of billionaires isl not exactly what's going carry us over the top," she shot back, before going into her usual discussion of government working for billionaires.

SCORE. She landed that one. She went on to discuss how people who aren't billionaires pay their taxes "so that the roads are paved and the bridges still work, and we provide for the defense before making the case for the abject corruption in Washington, DC while also taking a slap at Michael Bloomberg.

"It's a Washington that makes -- it's a bunch of billionaires that make big campaign contributions or reach in their own pockets, like Michael Bloomberg does," she explained. "If it's going to take sucking up to billionaires or being a billionaire to get the Democratic nomination to run for president, then all I can say is, buckle up, America, because our government is going to work even better for billionaires and even worse for everyone else."

- [italics added]