
Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Bloomberg critique from a Minnesota Trump loyalist contending Elizabeth Warren cleaned Bloomberg's clock.

Gary was kind enough in his post primarily touting Trump, to embed this brief video segment from early in the Nevada debate. Without trying to analyze Republican thinking from this single instance, noting the embedded video via this hat tip is appropriate. Gary also linked here.

I wish Gary had embedded frontrunner footage, but he decides relevance from his perspective much as editorial Crabgrass decisions are centralized here. That a Republican Trump loyalist would look more for Bloomberg faltering than Bernie ascendent seems to suggest that Trump loyalists fear a bigger billionaire more than a democratic socialist; despite the constant GOP song of Nancy Pelosi being a radical left wing socialist, etc., to where they've clearly cheapened a very fine word - as Sanders points out, Denmark is more socialist than the US, and regular people there have a greater level of contentment and prosperity.

At any rate, given Gary's focus, does anyone besides paid Bloomberg staff like anything about Bloomberg? The man is as arrogant as Trump, and hence easy to criticize; see, e.g., Newt, this video, at about the six minute mark, for Newt analyzing Bloomberg. Not that Newt knows much, but he does learn the favored GOP script that Bloomberg's wealth is feared in that camp. What can money buy? Beatles already took love off the table, but what else, besides worry and critique from Gingrich/FOX?

BOTTOM LINE: What will tons and tons of money buy? We shall find that out soon enough. Republicans from Gingrich to Gary Gross locally seem to be on the same wavelength. Trump loyalists do exist and they speak out. Bernie will have a time with them. They fear Bloomberg because he will spend more than they will. And if anyone knows about money buying elections, it's them. (Although in fairness, the Clinton camp outspent Trump in 2016 because she got all that Wall Street propping-up money. And money bought her second place in a two horse race. A fact which might reflect upon Bloomberg and excessive spending on his behalf.)

Gary's post seemed correct that Bloomberg's worse showing was by demeanor. He clearly does not take criticism well, his face showed that during the TV session with Warren addressing Bloomberg weaknesses; and Gary noted it. This is not a good trait. Some say Trump surrounds himself with yes men, but Bloomberg? Let's say Warren was insufficiently deferential toward Bloomberg, not the level of deference he expects to command, and such haughtiness is all fault, with no virtue.

____________FURTHER UPDATE__________
"Bloomberg is running from his record;" etc.; VOX, here.