
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

What a vulgar bunch of twisted semi-human war-mongerers for votes, looks and feels like, acts like.

Who else, the Trump campaign. (If the headline says "vulgar" you know it is about Trump. "Vulgar" is his middle name.) And the sleazebuckets he has campaigning, they must love assassination and likely crave more of it.

We killied a general; let's take a poll; see if we should kill another. That level of human being.

Three senior AP reporters write:

"Americans want to see their President acting decisively and defending the nation's interests and that's exactly what President Trump did," Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said.

"Republicans are good at killing terrorists and this is a reminder of that," added Michael Ahrens, communications director of the Republican National Committee.

The president was expected to amplify those messages on Thursday in Toledo, Ohio, during his first campaign rally since the drone strike last week. Trump's campaign purchased ads on Facebook highlighting the Soleimani killing.

The Pentagon said Soleimani "was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region." But the Trump administration has refused to provide any specific information about the nature or timing of the alleged plots, leaving Trump open to suspicions that the attack was driven, at least in part, by a belief that it might help him in the polls.

Those around the president strongly dismiss any suggestion of political motive. But they have been happy to use the killing to contrast Trump with his Democratic rivals, painting him as a strong leader and accusing Democrats of appeasing Iran with a failed foreign policy approach.

Despite the short shelf life of most Trump news stories, Trump aides recognized immediately that the strike — approved by the president at his private club in Florida during his winter break — could play an outsize role in the upcoming campaign, particularly if Iran retaliated and the region descended into chaos.

[italics added] This is the most vulgar thing that Trump has done, dancing for votes on the body of an assassinated Iranian general. Chest beating and all. The bastard should Google "Archduke Francis Ferdinand" to see what level of infamy could attach to his lack of culture and courage, and plain good sense. In elevating his reelection hopes above sensible policy, he is inviting special grief onto other American families, when none was as threatened before his drone strike. There is nothing "neat" about shooting a human to death from a pilotless airplane. It took no courage, only a willingness to risk hell breaking loose, where he and kin will go untouched but military families will suffer. Is it an escalation that would have happened anyway, one merely accelerated, or was it a calculated step to avoid peace? Is the policy to avoid peace at any cost? What is the purpose, if not that? Deterrence? We'll see.

The bastard would dig up John Lennon's corpse and shoot it again, if thinking it would be worth two votes. Tune time for the threat to sanity's reelection team and their ghoulish chops. Were the war-mongers firmly dislodged from office and their budget used to help our people instead of for killing Muslims a world away from our soil, for their oil, we could finance oil independence - becoming the world's leading renewable energy nation, green and proud. With funding for healthcare for all, single payer, and other overdue progress, for our citizens, against nobody, a nation in peace with its own people, and others.

Park the drones, now, if it remains an option after what's recently been "accomplished" by Trump and crew. Parked on ground, nobody gets murdered in cold blood by 'em, for the reason Trump wants reelection and lacking a sense of decency he will stop at nothing, including bending a national foreign policy intent of both houses of Congress to fund Ukraine against Russia, without demanding dirt on Joe Biden or his family.

BOTTOM LINE: Reveling in having murdered somebody is not Presidential. You have to wonder, if the man had a conscience, what he'd be doing and who'd be his Vice President instead of what he does and who got installed that heartbeat away.

The war drum pivot is not new with Trump. Not any more a new thing when used by Bush with Iraq. Countering the threat of those WMD's.