
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Jan. 18 - The Intercept reports the Sanders campaign is researching whether a Vice President could also serve in an administration as Treasury Secretary.

The presumably correct answer is that such dual service is proper. Cabinet portfolios are not Constitutional in origin; but clearly are ancillary to presidential duties. Nothing in the Constitution, itself, limits other governmental duties for the Vice President in addition to chairing sessions of the Senate, where that gavel gets handed off more often than not. The Intercept indicates a belief Bernie and folks might be considering Warren for both positions. Too little Intercept attention is given to the what-if where Warren gets the nomination; Sanders looking to his role?

Either way, the idea is great. What about VP -and- head of the Fed? Leading the Fed by Warren or by Bernie would not only be reform, but a fire-up-the-popcorn event. Fun over time. Opportunity. An enduring opportunity.