
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Call this "The Postal Pete Post," or how strong is Mayor Pete's union support?

Research for yourself to see if the Mayor has any union endorsements.

Next, Pistol Pete Maravich was a skilled NBA guard, since deceased. Postal Pete Buttigieg is a former McKinsey insider who had duties with the a U.S. Post Office consulting team at McKinsey, reported by HuffPo as possibly meriting for Buttigeig the nickname, Postal Privatization Pete. Read and see if you can see how another might read that characterization as a possible conclusion that thinking voters upon reflection might reach. HuffPo wrote:

On Tuesday he released his client list from 2007 to 2010, which included the Postal Service. Since then, Buttigieg, who has seen a significant bump in recent early state polls, has faced scrutiny for what he did at McKinsey, a company known for prioritizing corporate profits.

The outcome of that 2010 Postal Service project was a report, drawing on suggestions from McKinsey and two other consulting groups. It was fairly critical of revenue-raising ideas supported by union workers, like expanding financial services through the post office, warning they would be “limited by high operating costs and the relatively light customer traffic of Post Offices compared to commercial retailers.”

But in a statement to HuffPost, the Buttigieg campaign distanced the mayor from that report, insisting he didn’t work on cost-cutting but rather focused on raising revenue through products like greeting cards.

Whatever impression you as a reader draw from that one article, presume there will be other ongoing web attention on Pete's McKinsey years. Try to check back even, a time or two, via websearch for "Buttigeig McKinsey clients." The question might have a "growing legs" answer, or become nd as a dead end street, news-wise.

Last, if you can find one single union man or woman happy with what was done to postal employment, ask the bunny if he/she likes the midwest small town mayor enough to vote his way.

UPDATE: Guardian reports. Another online report. A websearch.